HypnoBirthing® International
The Mongan Method
The Classes are taught in a format of five, 2 1/2-hour classes. If you are very near to your birthing time, we can make special arrangements for individual classes with you.
Next series resumes in 2025
Tourmaline Birth & Wellness Collective - 4545 Fanuel St, Pacific Beach, CA
Thursdays | 6:30 - 9pm
February 20 - March 20
April 3 - May 1
$550 per couple
Private classes available in the comfort of your home.
Private classes are best if you want to focus more on a specific lesson, you are very close to your due time or simply want one on one time.
$1000 per couple + travel time
Join us via Zoom for a 1 hour HypnoBirthing Taster.
This is for you if you are curious to know if HypnoBirthing would be the best perinatal education course for your birth before investing in the full course.
What You Will Learn in HypnoBirthing® Classes
Class 1 – Setting the stage
Introduction to the remarkable HypnoBirthing® philosophy
The History of Women and Birthing
Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing
How Nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos
Class 2 -
Pre-birth family bonding and preparing your mind and body
The remarkable mind of your newborn baby—Prenatal bonding techniques
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing
Hypnotic relaxation and visualization
Selecting the right care provider
The Birth companion’s role in birthing
Preparing your body for birthing with massage and toning
Class 3 – Self-hypnosis visualization and advanced deepening
Preparing Birth Preference Sheets
Preparing the Body for Birthing
Light Touch Labor Massage
Your body working for and with you
Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labor
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Class 4 – Overview and summary of childbirth
Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase
Birth explained simply
Settling in at the hospital or birthing center
Preparing for home birth – or baby’s choice of birth
As labor moves along – passing time through labor
Hallmarks of labor
If labor rests or slows – Companion’s prompts and activities
As labor advances – birthing with your baby
Protecting the natural birthing experience
Birth rehearsal imagery
Class 5 – Birthing – The final act and bonding
Moving into birthing
Positions for descent and birthing
Breathing baby down to birth
Baby moves to the breast
Family bonding with your baby
We can schedule a make up class for you via zoom. $100 each make up class.
Since this class is about being vulnerable, open and connecting, I have found it to be very hard to do that while teaching via zoom and in person simultaneously. Therefore I ask that you be in person for all classes.
There are no refunds/pro rated amounts for classes missed, in the case baby is born before the series ends as we cannot refill that spot. Thank you for understanding.